by Shane Getson | Oct 31, 2021 | What Matters To You!
What Matters to you– Equalization, Corridors & World Need for Clean Energy Congratulations to all the successful candidates in the recent municipal elections. I look forward to meeting the new members of the councils and boards, as well as reengaging with...
by Shane Getson | Oct 24, 2021 | What Matters To You!
Fall Scenery The fall weather continues to amaze me here in God’s country. As the season changes, the colours are breathtaking. The weather hasn’t been bad at all. Even the moon was out in full force the other night. The reason I mention this is because of the scenery...
by Shane Getson | Oct 17, 2021 | What Matters To You!
This Fall The fall weather has been cooperating in our area – fairly warm, not too windy, and touch wood, no white stuff on the ground yet. The leaves are lingering as well, which makes for some amazing photographs around the area that I’ve been seeing posted up...
by Shane Getson | Oct 7, 2021 | Lac Ste-Anne-Parkland, MLA Shane Getson, News, Rural Alberta, UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
Fall Thoughts Hello, it has been a while since I have written anything for the paper. The spring and summer had some unexpected turns as my father in law’s health took a turn for the worse. He moved in with us, and we did our very best to give him one good last...
by Shane Getson | Apr 20, 2021 | MLA Shane Getson, What Matters To You!
You Asked, I Answer I would like to directly address a question that has inundated my office, phone, email, and social media over the past week or so. Many have asked why I did not sign an open letter stating that I did not support the government’s most recent...
by Shane Getson | Jan 22, 2021 | Alberta Economy, Alberta Environment, Alberta Projects, MLA Shane Getson, UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
Keystone XL & Trans Mountain Pipelines I know that at this point I technically am not a “Newly Elected Official”, but quite frankly, there are some days it sure feels like it. Receiving a request for my opinion on items from a few of the media outlets, sure does...