Three major International Rating Agencies have improved their outlook on Alberta since the beginning of 2023

On September 14, 2023, the international credit rating agency DBRS Limited (DBRS Morningstar) upgraded the Issuer Rating and Long-Term Debt rating of the Province of Alberta to AA from AA (low) and upgraded the Short-Term Debt rating to R-1 (high) from R-1 (middle). Concurrently, DBRS Morningstar changed the trends on all ratings to Stable from Positive. This constitutes a sure sign that our economy and province are moving in the right direction.
This positive news comes on the heels of Alberta’s first quarter fiscal update, which showed that our province is on track for a projected surplus of $2.4 billion by the end of 2023-24 – $94 million higher than what was forecast in Budget 2023. The consensus among major Canadian financial institutions is that Alberta will continue to lead the nation in economic growth this year as our government continues to focus on growing and diversifying the economy and investing in health care and education.
DBRS Morningstar isn’t the only credit rating agency taking notice of Alberta’s economic success. Since the beginning of 2023, Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded its credit rating for Alberta, and Fitch Ratings Inc. has also upgraded its outlook for Alberta’s credit rating on July 27, 2023.

What does this all mean for everyday families like yours and mine here in Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland region?

A higher credit rating means Alberta’s government pays lower interest rates and debt-servicing costs. That means more money is available to invest in things Albertans care about, like roads, schools, and hospitals. A higher credit rating also signals that Alberta is a stable place to invest.
We’re building a province that is stronger and more resilient than ever. We are cutting taxes and red tape, keeping life affordable, attracting investment, creating thousands of high-paying jobs, and overseeing credit rating increases that will make life better for everyday people.
Alberta has momentum in every corner of the province and in all sectors of the economy. Optimism is growing for the future, and we want to ensure Albertans are going back to work and participating in this renewed Alberta Advantage.

Alberta is on track for a projected surplus of $2.4 billion by the end of 2023-24 – $94 million higher than what was forecast in Budget 2023

Shane Getson

MLA, Lac Ste Anne Parkland Constituency

Albertans’ approval of Danielle Smith

This past week, we also learned that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has a strong approval rating from Albertans and more people who “strongly approve” of her leadership than any other premier in the country.
Premier Smith is listening and responding to the needs of Albertans. She has built a strong team of diverse Albertans determined to improve life for everyday families and businesses. While we have more work to do, Alberta is back, leading the nation in economic prosperity, freedom, and opportunity.


Shane Getson

If you agree with this article, share your opinions with us. Call me today!


If you have any comments to this blog post or others, please write to me at and I will respond to you personally as soon as possible.

For any further question on the constituency of Lac Ste Anne Parkland feel free to connect with your MLA Shane Getson by calling the phone number : 780.967.0760 (click2call), by email or by mailing us to:

Constituency Office
#18, 4708 Lac Ste. Anne Trail North
P.O. Box 248 “Onoway PO”
Onoway, AB
Canada T0E 1V0

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Home Page MLA Shane Getson (UCP) Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland Constituency Alberta MLA Shane Getson, UCP, Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland Constituency is reporting on his activity in Alberta Legislature: latest reports on his activity, community links, and much more. Contact our office: 780.967.0760. MLA Shane Getson Home Engagement Community Projects Events Latest News Contact Our Future Working hard every day to improve the lives of all Albertans! Our current challenges will end and we will be ready to prosper when it does. See Shane's Projects Get Involved! Good government is not just the work of the MLA’s in the Legislature. It requires the input and participation of the residents of the Constituency to be successful. Consider lending a hand as we plan and execute events throughout the year. Invite Shane to your community events and introduce him to your neighbours. Communicate concerns and important issues because if he doesn’t know about them he cannot help. Contact the office to sign up to volunteer. How to Volunteer Lac Ste. Anne Parkland OUR PEOPLE Our Constituency Office #18, 4708 Lac Ste. Anne Trail North P.O. Box 248 “Onoway PO” Onoway, AB Canada T0E 1V0 Phone: 780.967.0760 (click2call) Fax: 780.967.4338 Contact Discover Shane's Projects Shane’s reputation for getting things done supports the hard work of the people of Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland and the Province of Alberta. Shane’s involvement in various Legislative Assembly of Alberta Committees allows him to undertake and carry-on strategic projects that are intended to set-up Alberta for success. Shane’s Motion 501 about Utility Corridors is a perfect example. Discover more about all the projects he has embarked on! More on Projects Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland News Shane’s Blog Latest News & Updates Click on the headline to see the whole story. MLA Shane Getson News UCP - United Conservative Party Agriculture minister urges Albertans not to stockpile food Shane Getson – March 26, 2020 Alberta Budget MLA Shane Getson News UCP - United Conservative Party Covid-19 – Emergency Financial Aid for Albertans Shane Getson – March 18, 2020 Alberta Healthcare MLA Shane Getson Approved Relief Budget for Alberta Healthcare Shane Getson – March 18, 2020 Honesty & Integrity MLA Shane Getson UCP Experience – Action – Results A recent arrival to politics, Shane’s deep connection to Alberta and his experience with large scale industrial projects make him an ideal MLA. His hard work, common sense and a strong connection to the people he serves are being recognized by his constituents and peers alike. Shane is determined to advance Alberta’s place in Confederation as well as continuing to be a world leader in energy production. About Our Constituency About Our MLA About our MLA Shane’s Roadmap Proud Albertan Solid values from his Alberta farming community upbringing combined with his NAIT diploma in Civil Engineering enabled Shane to build a solid career and apply those skills serving as your MLA. See Shane’s involvement in Alberta Legislature Committees here… Projects After almost two decades leading energy and construction projects all over North America Shane is right at home taking the lead and/or advising on projects such as Keystone XL, A2A Railroad Project, Transportation and Utility Corridors. More on projects here… Strong Community Ties Deep Alberta roots and dedication to family and community are the foundation of Shane’s core values. Flying With a lifetime passion for flying, Shane is an accomplished pilot and airplane builder. Public Service While new to politics and public service Shane has already been recognized by his peers as they presented him with the “Best Debater” award following the first sitting of the Legislature. More on his success on Alberta Legislature Spring Session Motion 501 here… More about Shane Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland Our Constituency Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland – Sturgeon County Alexander First Nation – Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation – Paul Band at Wabamun Lake Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland is a young provincial electoral district shaped in 2017 by Alberta Electoral Boundaries Commission. Taking its name from two municipal districts and containing also a part of Sturgeon County, this district also includes the Treaty 6 reserves of the Alexander First Nation, the Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation, and the Paul Band at Wabamun Lake. History Lac Ste. Anne The wonderful rolling hills located North West of Edmonton are very rich in history and hardworking people and also, the home of one of the most unique and memorable spiritual gatherings in North America. First called Wakamne or God’s Lake by the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation who live on the west end of the Lake, and Manito Sahkahigan or Spirit Lake by the Cree, the lake was called “Lac Ste. Anne” by Rev. Jean-Baptiste Thibault, the first Catholic priest to establish a mission on the site. Father Lestanc organized the first annual pilgrimage to Ste. Anne in July, 1889 after an inspirational visit to St. Anne d’Aurey shrine in French Brittany the previous year. Over the years the Lac Ste. Anne Pilgrimage has continued on an annual basis and always during the week of July 26 (the feast day of Ste. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary). The founding of the Mission at Lac Ste. Anne was the beginning of the long relationship of Indigenous and Métis peoples with Catholicism in what is now called Treaty Six territory. Source: Lac Ste.Ann-Parkland ELECTORAL DISTRICT History Parkland County In the beginning, Parkland County was four townships, known as the Small Improvement Districts. In 1913, the Local Improvement Districts (LID) replaced the Small Improvement Districts, and the eastern portion of what is now Parkland County became LID Number 519. The western portion became the Municipal District of Tomahawk Number 521, and between the two was LID Number 521. The three municipalities amalgamated in 1942 in Municipal District of Stony Plain No. 520. Restructuring of the School Divisions In January 1969, the MD of Stony Plain and the Stony Plain School Division united and were incorporated as the County of Parkland No. 31. Though the County of Parkland No. 31 experienced growth in many areas, it faced challenges with the highs and lows of economic cycles, provincial restructuring and the loss of landmass due to annexation by the City of Edmonton. However, in the 1980s and 1990s, administrative changes, an improved communications strategy and adjustments to the County’s boundaries and jurisdiction helped put the County back on the road to prosperity. On January 1, 1995, with the provincial restructuring of the education system, the County of Parkland opted to separate the County and the school division, creating Parkland School Division No. 70. Later that year, the County of Parkland became Parkland County and began to flourish as a municipal corporation. Source: Legislature Office 6th Floor 9820 – 107 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T5K 1E7 Phone: 780.638.3021 (click2call) Fax: 780.638.3506 Contact Us Shane’s Blog Latest News & Events Access here the latest messages from MLA Shane Getson. Latest News from MLA Shane Getson Improved Programs for Rural Physicians Recruitment & Retention Why Alberta Needs Utility Corridors april, 2020 18 apr Mayerthorpe Feathers and Farm SaleVendors of small animals and crafts are welcome! 10:00 am - 4:00 pm MST Mayerthorpe Exhibition Centre Event Organized By: Mayerthorpe Feathers and Farm Sale Bring Us Your Ideas or Your Time & Energy Reach US Contact Our Constituency Office We’ll Help You Find Your Role We are the Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland Team! OR Constituency Onoway Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:30 –4:30 pm Call in advance to find out Shane’s availability. 780.967.0760 (click2call) About Us About Shane Getson Lac SteAnne-Parkland Constituency History MLA Latest News Crafting the Future MLA Core Values Alberta On Track MLA's Committees Shane's Projects Resources Our Neighbours UCP Caucus MLAs Alberta Legislature Get Involved Events Volunteer Contact Us Find Us Reach Us © 2020 MLA Shane Getson - Lac Ste. Anne - Parkland Constituency Powered by CLICKS & CLIPS MEDIA Enagagement Page MLA Shane Getson (UCP) Profile & Engagement, Lac Ste. Anne Parkland MLA Shane Getson (UCP) About information and involvement in Alberta Legislature Committees and Projects necessary to bring Alberta back on track. Call Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 About Biography & Core Values About Shane Engagement Alberta Legislative Assembly Involvement CommitteesProjects MLA Shane Getson BIO Shane was elected to the Legislative Assembly for the Constituency of Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland on April 16, 2019 Previously he worked in the energy sector and construction industry, supervising major projects all over North America for over two decades. He graduated from NAIT with a Civil Engineering diploma in 1996. With the support of his wife and 4 children, Shane entered politics, winning the nomination and subsequently the April 2019 election representing the United Conservative Party. At the end of his first Legislative session, he was voted “Best Debater” by his fellow MLA’s. Shane’s Core Values “Work Hard, Have Fun, and Don’t Let the Team Down!” “We can only make it happen by working together” These were just two of the principles guiding Shane’s career in industry and the same applies to his political endeavours. How do his colleagues describe him? “Warm”, “personable”, “practical” and “focused and driven to achieve results”. Get Involved Good government is not just the work of the MLA’s in the Legislature. It requires the input and participation of the residents of the Constituency to be successful. Consider lending a hand as we plan and execute events throughout the year. Invite Shane to your community events and introduce him to your neighbors. Communicate concerns and important issues because if he doesn’t know about them he cannot help. Contact the office to sign up to volunteer. Family “Our families keep us focused and grounded. If we are true to ourselves, all of the actions we take are ultimately for the betterment of our families, loved ones and communities. Like many Albertans I believe that we can always do a little better, work a little harder and strive to make sure that Alberta is once again the best place to work, live and raise a family and make sure that future generations have the same opportunities that we have”. Work Hard The best quality of a leader is leading by example, true effort and energy to accomplish goals. Is this level of energy that makes the difference between a leader and a great leader. For over two decades, Shane undertook new challenges managing projects or running construction sites and most recently politics. Opportunities Opportunities are always built on the foundation of observation, good analysis, hard work & experience. Exercising attention to detail combined with a natural sense of direction are some of the most powerful attributes of MLA Shane Getson. Get Results Palpable results will only be achieved through clear direction, thorough planning and realistic agile steps. Combined with creative thinking, the transformation of opportunities into reality becomes within reach. Let’s work together and take Alberta where it deserves to be! MLA Shane Getson Committee Assignments Use your abilities where they matter the most! Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship - MEMBER Mandate related to the areas of Agriculture and Forestry, Energy, Environment and Parks, Indigenous Relations, Municipal Affairs, Transportation and Treasury Board and Finance. On July 2, 2019, the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act was referred to the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship pursuant to Government Motion 25. The Committee has completed this review, and the Chair tabled the final report of the Committee on October 31, 2019 (Sessional Paper 326/2019). For more information, please access this link. Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund - VICE-CHAIR Capital Region Caucus Northern Rural Caucus - MEMBER Skilled Trades Caucus - VICE-CHAIR Skills for Jobs Task Force - MEMBER Energy Caucus - MEMBER Affordable Housing Action Group - MEMBER Red Tape Reduction Task Force- MEMBER More on the Committees of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta The committee process allows for a more in-depth look at issues and can allow for public input into the legislative process through written submissions and/or public hearings. Watch Alberta Assembly Online Access Assembly Online where users can access live and archived streams of House and Committee proceedings. Responsibility Getting Alberta Back on Track! Challenging economic conditions, plunging oil prices, COVID-19 virus spread forcing countries into isolation, global instability leading to job losses are adding up to our pre-existing worries. What keeps us grounded through this uncertainty? Responsibility. If we regard the present situation with social, fiscal and environmental responsibility in mind, then Motion 501 introduced to Alberta’s Legislature by MLA Shane Getson UCP on March 02, 2020 and approved on March 04, 2020 will open the gates to Alberta’s future. We're Going To Alaska! A2A Project, a beneficiary of the Transportation and Utility Corridor to be established as a result of the passing of Motion 501, will carry goods to landlocked Alaska as well as transporting Alberta products to Asia through the deep sea ports in Alaska. Empowering Albertans Presently, Alberta resources are restricted from markets in Asia due to challenges building a pipeline to tidewater. Even with a pipeline to BC’s lower mainland, the ports there are not capable of docking the supertankers that make the most sense when shipping to Asia. Additionally, Alaska ports are days closer to those markets, requiring hundreds of tons less bunker fuel to drive the ships. While not specifically laid out in the Motion, Indigenous consultation will be conducted and preliminary communication is resulting in overwhelming acceptance by our First Nations neighbours. Transportation and Utility Corridors (TUC) A railroad is only one aspect of the proposed TUC. The right of way can also accommodate roads, pipelines, fiber optic and power transmission lines. MLA Shane Getson Projects Put your efforts where your heart is! Sturgeon River Watershed Action Group There are likely more than a few people left that still remember the good days when you could take a swim with your friends in the local waterways. Sturgeon County was one such place. The quality of the water however, for a number of reasons, is no longer adequate for recreation. MLA Getson is working with local experts in environment and hydrology consultation/conservation projects, Scott Jendruck and Kurtis Ewanchuk, to find solutions to improving the quality of the watersheds in the county. Sturgeon River Watershed Government of Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy Transportation / Utility Corridors As a former projects manager that has experience in working with major oil and gas projects like pipeline, MLA Getson is always looking for more ways to get Alberta’s resources to markets and remove the landlock affecting our economy today. Shane entered politics to get rid of barriers and get things done, and he has begun working to explore possible options; even with the federal Liberal government’s passing of C-69. Watch for details coming in the future as potential projects begin to take shape! What are Transportation / Utility Corridors (TUC)? Why Are Transportation / Utility Corridors Important? Community Page Community News & Updates - MLA Shane Getson UCP MLA Shane Getson UCP & Lac Ste Anne Parkland Constituency is bringing you the latest news on what matters to Albertans: communities, financial markets and farming. For more info click Events page or call Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 Community News & Updates Lac Ste. Anne - Parkland & Surrounding Areas Lac Ste. Anne County Parkland County Website Sturgeon County Website Financial Markets Energy & Jobs Find out up-to-date financial information on what matters to Albertans from the main financial markets today here… Agriculture Farming News Connect to Alberta Agri-News, Western Producer or Canadian Cattlemen or download the latest reports here… Communities Latest News Links, news and upcoming events in Alberta Beach, Acheson, Busby, Calahoo, Evansburg, Meyerhtorpe, Rcih Valley and Wabamun here… Our Financial World At a Glance Source: BOE Report Commodities Crude Oil 20.11 -11.44% Natural Gas 1.65 -4.48% Gasoline 0.72 +2.32% Heating Oil 0.94 -5.34% Gold 1756.70 +0.68% Silver 16.07 +3.69% Copper 2.35 +1.13% 2020.04.14 end-of-day » Add to your site Source: Wti Oil Price $20.60 ▲+0.49+2.44% 1m1q6m1y5y 03:43 AM UTC 04.15.2020 Brent Oil Price $29.97 ▲+0.37+1.25% 1m1q6m1y5y 03:43 AM UTC 04.15.2020 Natural Gas Price $1.644 ▼-0.006-0.36% 1m1q6m1y5y 03:43 AM UTC 04.15.2020 Source: Past Present & Future Farming Links Alberta Agri-News Agri-News is your weekly look at agriculture in Alberta. Published each Monday, the newsletter provides the latest information on the diverse facets of agriculture in Alberta. It includes news you can use, information for producers, the latest on food and beverage production, marketing, research, events and programs. Information contained in Agri-News is intended for redistribution. Feel free to reproduce articles, and the editor appreciates the source being mentioned. Click Here Visit Canadian Cattlemen Download Here RBC Farmer 4.0 Forecasts on Canadian Agriculture Visit Alberta Farmer Magazine Team Alberta Team Alberta represents a working collaboration between Alberta’s four crop commissions: Alberta Barley, Alberta Canola, Alberta Pulse Growers and the Alberta Wheat Commission. Team Alberta represents approximately 20,000 farmer members. The crop commissions work with our respective boards to help farmers succeed by directing funds toward research, market development, communications, education and policy development initiatives that improve the success of Alberta’s farmers. Click Here Jump Months januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember 20182019202020212022 april, 2020 18 apr Mayerthorpe Feathers and Farm SaleVendors of small animals and crafts are welcome! 10:00 am - 4:00 pm MST Mayerthorpe Exhibition Centre Event Organized By: Mayerthorpe Feathers and Farm Sale Our World Our Communities Alberta Beach Acheson Busby Calahoo Evansburg Mayerthorpe Onoway Wabamun Catch the Wave! Alberta Beach The Village of Alberta Beach was incorporated in 1920 and is set on the shores of Lac Ste. Anne approximately 60km West of Edmonton and is primarily envisioned as a recreation destination by many Albertans. Over the years Alberta Beach has become a popular resort to visit with a combination of permanent and summer residents. Alberta Beach Business Directory Parks Camping We Mean Business! Acheson Acheson Industrial Area is located just west of Edmonton. With easy access to major transportation corridors, rail lines, and both domestic and international airports, Acheson connects your business. Parkland County offers one of the most competitive non-residential property tax systems. Grow with us! Acheson Business Association Spruce Grove Chamber of Commerce Stony Plain Chamber of Commerce App Westlock County Busby Westlock County consists of 1200 square miles and is situated less than one hour from our Provincial Capital City of Edmonton. The center of our County holds the Town of Westlock and Village of Clyde and these are surrounded by 9 hamlets — Busby, Pickardville, Pibroch, Dapp, Jarvie, Fawcett, Vimy, Nestow and Tawatinaw. Source: Westlock County – Growing Opportunity Westlock County Website Blue Suede Shoes Festival Sturgeon County Calahoo Located 30 minutes northwest of Edmonton in Sturgeon County, this vibrant, growing community offers residents and visitors alike the opportunity to participate in a variety of year-round sporting activities, recreational programs and community gatherings. Source: The West Sturgeon Ag Society (WSAS) “The tiny Alberta hamlet of Calahoo, population 85, ballooned to more than 2,000 Tuesday when their favourite son, St. Louis Blues head coach Craig Berube, brought the Stanley Cup in for a visit.” Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press Yellowhead County Evansburg As you drive into our communities, you will be amazed at the glorious beauty of the Pembina Gorge, etched out over thousands of years. You can follow the NEW trail system we have created to get some amazing views of the amazing gorge and our lovely Pembina River Provincial Park. Source: Evansburg & Entwhistle Chamber of Commerce Evansburg & Entwistle Chamber of Commerce Yellowhead County Website Yellowhead County Mayerthorpe Mayerthorpe is proud of its community. Surrounded by picturesque rolling hills, steeped in rich agricultural history, and bustling with friendly businesses and engaging recreational activities – this town truly is Everybody’s Community. Source: Town of Mayerthorpe Mayerthorpe Business Directory Whitecourt Chamber of Commerce Constituency Home Office Onoway Situated in the Lac Ste. Anne region, at the hub of major transportation routes, Onoway strives for balanced business development, environmentally sustainable industry, and ample recreational opportunities, while maintaining our friendly, respectful small town atmosphere. Source: Onoway Municipality Website Onoway Municipality Website Onoway Chamber of Commerce The Escape Lives Here Wabamun Wabamun is situated on the northern shores of Lake Wabamun, algae-free it is the largest and cleanest recreational lake in the Capital region. We take great pleasure and pride in our pleasant lakeside environment and enjoy a multitude of recreational, cultural and leisure activities right out our front door. Wabamun is a community for all seasons and ages! Source: Wabamun Municipality Website Wabamun Business Directory Find Wabamun Accomodations Projects Page Transportation & Utility Corridors - MLA Shane Getson UCP Lac Ste. Anne Parkland AB MLA Shane Getson - Alberta Legislature 2020 Motion 501 - Utility Corridors are actually the Albertan formula that allows us to move forward Strategic Projects for Alberta. For more information contact your MLA at Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 Utility Corridors Motion 501 Vital for Alberta Utility Corridors are actually Transportation and Trade Utility Corridors. This isn’t just a train set, it isn’t just a pipeline, it isn’t just a fibre optic line or maybe a hydroelectric line, or literally, connecting trade between areas. The Utility Corridors are actually the formula that allows us to move forward Strategic Projects, such A2A Rail – Alberta to Alaska Rail, making decisions locally, after consultations with local Indigenous Peoples, removing all the noise that can come from the federal government. More on Strategic Projects A2A Rail welcomes Motion 501 introduced today in Alberta’s Legislature by MLA Shane Getson (UCP-Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland): “Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly urge the Government to establish corridors for transportation and utility infrastructure including railways, roads, pipelines, and transmission lines, in order to improve access to global markets for Alberta products and resources via deep sea ports in locations including but not limited to Hudson Bay, Kitimat, and the state of Alaska.” A2A Rail Media Statement March 2, 2020 A2A Railway Alberta 2 Alaska Rail A2A Rail Constructing a railway from Alaska to Alberta will bring economic benefits to both countries, while kick-starting new economic momentum in the North. A2A Rail will link two highly successful regions (Southcentral Alaska ports and northern Alberta) allowing for: Dual-direction freight movement to and from North American destinations. 24-hour a day operation applying the latest proven technologies in safety and efficiency to meet or exceed industry standards. Transport of resource commodities from the North to global markets via the ports of Southcentral Alaska. Increased access to historically inaccessible regions and resources creating opportunity throughout the region. Source: A2A Rail Website – Our Rail Page Utility Corridors Latest News Why Alberta Needs Utility Corridors Alberta 2 Alaska MLA Shane Getson UCP - United Conservative Party Utility Corridors Why Alberta Needs Utility Corridors Shane Getson – March 10, 2020 MLA Shane Getson describes the solution for placing Alberta on the road to recovery. Watch the video to understand what Utility Corridors are and how Alberta can use them to... Motion 501 – Alberta Needs Utility Corridors Alberta 2 Alaska MLA Shane Getson UCP - United Conservative Party Utility Corridors Motion 501 – Alberta Needs Utility Corridors Shane Getson – March 4, 2020 MLA Shane Getson is informing Albertans on the approved budget which included an additional $500,000. to meet the needs of health care workers. On the same day, the Prime Minister... Events Page Latest Events - Meet Your MLA - Shane Getson UCP Lac Ste. Anne Parkland AB Meet you MLA: Find here an event close to you and meet Shane. You will have the opportunity to present live your ideas or concerns for Alberta's future. Contact your MLA at Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 Latest News Page Latest News, Blog, Video, Gallery - MLA Shane Getson UCP Look here for the latest news and announcements from MLA Shane Getson: his latest speeches in Alberta's Legislative Assembly, video message and other events. Contact your MLA at Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 Contact Page Contact Your MLA - Shane Getson UCP Lac Ste. Anne Parkland AB Find here contact information for MLA Shane Getson UCP and Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency, AB. Constituency Office, Alberta Legislature Office and email. Contact your MLA at Lac Ste. Anne Parkland Constituency Office: 780.967.0760 Contact LacSte Anne Parkland Get IN Touch MLA Shane Getson Contact Information Constituency Office #18, 4708 Lac Ste. Anne Trail North P.O. Box 248 “Onoway PO” Onoway, AB Canada T0E 1V0 Phone: 780.967.0760 (click2call) Fax: 780.967.4338 Legislature Office 6thFloor 9820 – 107 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T5K 1E7 Phone: 780.638.3021 (click2call) Fax: 780.638.3506 Email: Links to Bordering Constituencies Visit Our Neighours West Yellowhead Mr. Martin Long (UCP) Athabasca – Barrhead Mr. Glenn van Dijken (UCP) Drayton Valley – Devon Mr. Mark Smith (UCP) Edmonton West Henday Member Jon Carson (NDP) Spruce Grove – Stony Plain Mr. Searle Turton (UCP) St.Albert Ms. Marie Renaud (NDP) Morrinville – St. Albert Honourable Dale Nally (UCP) Bring Your efforts and ideas Grow Your Community   Keywords Keywords coma alberta, elections canada, liberal party of canada, elections canada alberta election, canada election, election, canada election liberal party of canada, canadian election polls, elizabeth may, canadian election polls jason kenney, liberal party of canada, greenhouse, alberta election conservative party of canada, election, 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is running for liberal party president, , ndp canada, liberal new, , republican, party au, , republican party, jobs with liberal party of canada, , , liberal democrats nsw, , , liberal democrats london, , , , , , Liberal Party, , , bloc quebecois, , , canada election, , , canada votes, , , canadian election polls, , , canadian federal election, , , canadian political parties, , , conservative, , , conservative party, , , conservative party of canada, , , election, , , elections canada, , , federal election, , , federal election canada, , , federal election polls, , , green party, , , green party of canada, , , liberal, , , liberal definition, , , liberal party of canada, , , ndp, , , ndp platform, , , new democratic party, , , politics, , , stephen harper, , , vote canada, , Keywords # #alberta,#electionscanada,#liberalpartyofcanada,#electionscanada #albertaelection,#canadaelection,#election,#canadaelection #liberalpartyofcanada,#canadianelectionpolls,#elizabethmay,#canadianelectionpolls #jasonkenney,#liberalpartyofcanada,#greenhouse,#albertaelection #conservativepartyofcanada,#election,#greenpartyofcanada,#liberalpartyofcanada #conservative,#conservativepartyofcanada,#green,#election #stephenharper,#federalelection,#votecanada,#canadapolls #albertaelectionresults,#federalelectionpolls,#party,#conservativepartyofcanada #governmentofalberta,#ndp,#newdemocraticparty,#elizabethmay #greenpartyofcanada,#stephenharper,#conservativeparty,#stephenharper #liberal,#conservative,#greenpartyplatform,#conservative #votecanada,#canadianfederalelection,#conservativepartyplatform,#canadianfederalelection #albertaelectionpolls,#liberal,#conservativepartyleader,#liberal #canadianpoliticalparties,#greenpartyofcanada,#greenpartyleader,#greenpartyofcanada #johntory,#votecanada,#liberalparty,#votecanada #georgewbush,#blocquebecois,#partyintheusa,#federalelectionresultscanada #conservativeparty,#newdemocraticparty,#labourparty,#blocquebecois #republican,#greenparty,#ndpparty,#canadafederalelectionpolls #electionscanadajobs,#federalelectioncanada,#politicalparties,#ndpleader #aynrand,#politics,#elizabethmaygreenparty,#newdemocraticparty #albertapremier,#ndpplatform,#greenpartycandidate,#vote #conservativepartyplatform,#canadianpoliticalparties,#newdemocraticpartyofcanada,#greenparty #albertaparty,#canadavotes,#libertarianparty,#rachelnotley #conservativepartyleader,#conservativeparty,#liberalpartyleader,#federalelectioncanada #liberalplatform,#jacklayton,#greenpartylogo,#ndpplatform #peterlougheed,#greenpartyplatform,#greenpartyofontario,#canadianpoliticalparties #georgebush,#conservativepartyplatform,#thegreenparty,#canadavotes #albertahealthcare,#liberalplatform,#greenpartyseats,#conservativeparty #vegreville,#democraticparty,#uspoliticalparties,#jacklayton #albertalegislature,#conservativepartyleader,#greenpartyslogan,#electionscanadajobs #liberalparty,#liberalvsconservative,#thegreenpartyofcanada,#canadaelectiondate #left,#ndpcanada,#politicalpartydefinition,#greenpartyplatform #conservativeplatform,#bcelection,#reformparty,#conservativepartyplatform #albertaelection2019,#bobrae,#greenlogo,#nationalday #albertavote,#canadianpoliticalpolls,#thegreen,#liberalplatform #albertaeconomy,#federalelectioncandidates,#whoistheleaderofthegreenparty,#liberalparty #oilsands,#liberaldefinition,#politicalpartyplatforms,#greenpartyleader #stonyplain,#conservativepartyofcanadaplatform,#whatdoesthegreenpartystandfor,#ndpcanada #ndpalberta,#ontarioliberalparty,#greengreen,#bcelection #albertaoilsands,#liberalpartyplatform,#politicalpartyquiz,#ndpalberta #conservativeleadershiprace,#libertarianpartyofcanada,#americanpoliticalparties,#andreahorwath #electionmap,#ndpparty,#federalgreenparty,#gillesduceppe #conservativepartyofcanadaplatform,#ndpcandidates,#maygreenparty,#adriandix #albertaprovincialelection,#liberaldemocrats,#greenpartypolicies,#electiondaycanada #conservativepartyofcanadaleader,#liberalcanada,#votegreenparty,#electionsontario #albertaoil,#politicalparties,#whatisthegreenparty,#ontarioliberalparty #g20countries,#ontariondp,#theconservativeparty,#tommulcair #glennbeck,#conservativecanada,#greenleader,#ndpparty #ralphklein,#partiliberal,#greenpartynews,#bcndp #kenthehr,#stephanedion,#greenpartyrepresentatives,#liberalpartyplatform #canadianpoliticalnews,#liberalpartyofcanadaplatform,#party'sorparties,#thomasmulcair #suntv,#newdemocraticpartyofcanada,#greenpartypolls,#provincialelection #michaelignatieff,#liberallogo,#whatisthegreenpartyplatform,#ndpcandidates #provincialelection,#albertaliberalparty,#greenpartybeliefs,#liberalcanada #alisonredford,#ndppartyofcanada,#votegreen,#oliviachow #albertapolitics,#liberalpartyleader,#greenpartysymbol,#ontariondp #centrist,#liberalleader,#greenpartygermany,#conservativecanada #liberalcanada,#bcliberals,#politicalpartylogos,#ndpleadercanada #legislativeassemblyofalberta,#manitobaliberalparty,#greenpartyimmigration,#canadianpoliticalpartyplatforms #conservativecanada,#federalndp,#whatisgreen,#ndpvsliberal #ndpleadercanada,#progressiveconservativepartyofcanada,#greenpartymembers,#progressiveconservative #electionpollsalberta,#liberalpartyofcanadaleader,#greenpartyusa,#stephanedion #albertaelectioncandidates,#liberalcandidates,#theliberalparty,#bcprovincialelection #albertaelectionplatforms,#thegreenparty,#greenpartysign,#ndpmanitoba #progressiveconservative,#liberalpartylogo,#greenpartyoftheunitedstates,#npdcanada #conservativepartyalberta,#ontarioliberals,#greenpartyelectionresults,#ndplogo #albertaprovince,#liberalgovernment,#greenpartywins,#conservativepartyalberta #pcparty,#ndppartyplatform,#greenpartymps,#iscanadaademocracy #tarsands,#liberalcaucus,#greenpartywebsite,#ndppartyleader #albertawildrose,#voteliberal,#nationaldemocraticparty,#nikiashton #albertapoliticalparties,#bcliberalparty,#liberaldemocraticparty,#ndpfederalleader #albertaliberalparty,#stéphanedion,#liberalpartyusa,#newdemocraticpartyofcanada #albertagov,#mcguinty,#greenpartyjobs,#carolejames #liberallogo,#partiliberalcanada,#greenpartyhistory,#ndppartyofcanada #albertamla,#progressiveconservativeparty,#greenpartytwitter,#2011canadianelection #progressiveconservativepartyofontario,#liberalpartyofcanadapolicies,#politicalpartyleaders,#bcliberals #albertadebate,#federalconservativeparty,#greenscandidate,#liberalpartyleader #albertatarsands,#liberalpartyofcanadalogo,#greenpartyelection,#meganleslie #albertaenvironment,#liberalpartyofaustralia,#greenpartyresults,#ndppolls #liberalleader,#electionparties,#greenpartylawnsign,#federalndp #lesserslavelake,#trudeauparty,#greenpolitics,#whatdoesndpstandfor #rightwingpolitics,#conservativepartycandidates,#greenpartyclimatechange,#strategicvoting #jasonkenneyalberta,#quebecliberalparty,#greenpartyuk,#canadianfederalelection2011 #manitobaliberalparty,#liberalslogan,#greenpartyposter,#newdemocraticpartyleader #pcpartycanada,#liberalconservative,#greenpartyus,#ndppolicies #thebowcalgary,#liberaldemocratsuk,#politicalpartycolors,#saskparty #conservativeleadercanada,#liberalpartyslogan,#greenpartymp,#mulcair #provincialelectionscanada,#theliberalpartyofcanada,#federalgreenpartyleader,#ndppartyplatform #albertaenergy,#whoistheleaderoftheliberalparty,#whenwasthegreenpartyfounded,#ndpslogan #soilconservation,#whatdoestheliberalpartystandfor,#greenpartyplatformsummary,#whoistheleaderofthendp #theamericanconservative,#theconservativepartyofcanada,#greenpartyeducation,#albertanewdemocraticparty #thomaslukaszuk,#federalliberalparty,#greenpartyfacts,#ndpplatformcanada #2015albertaelection,#liberalpartybeliefs,#greenpartyvalues,#ndpbc #progressiveconservativepartyofcanada,#australianfederalelection,#whatdoesthegreenpartybelievein,#bcliberalparty #liberalvsconservativecanada,#liberalmps,#conservativepartynews,#ignatieff #albertaheritagefund,#liberalnews,#greenpartyideology,#votendp #edmontoncentre,#liberalpolicies,#greenpartycampaign,#pauldewar #voteconservative,#liberalpartycandidates,#greenpartyenvironment,#ndpsaskatchewan #ontarioconservativeparty,#liberalelection,#democraticpartyplatform,#mcguinty #thegreenpartyofcanada,#liberalpolitics,#greenpartyad,#latestpoliticalpollscanada #calgarymountainview,#liberalorconservative,#republicanpartyplatform,#ndpnews #albertaelectionnews,#theconservativeparty,#australiangreens,#ndpjobs #conservativenews,#whatisaliberalparty,#libertarianpartyplatform,#saskndp #neoconservative,#liberalcaucusmeeting,#partyusa,#conservativepartycandidates #littlebow,#liberalmp,#greenpartygoals,#ndpmeaning #albertaprovincialgovernment,#liberalgovernmentcanada,#americangreen,#harpergovernment #pcpartyofmanitoba,#liberalpartyofcanadahistory,#greenpartyaustralia,#ndpbeliefs #progressiveconservativeparty,#liberalpartymembers,#democraticpartycolor,#ndpseats #albertaconservative,#liberalpartypromises,#whostheleaderofthegreenparty,#ontariondpleader #bcliberalparty,#theliberal,#greenpartyeconomy,#liberalconservative #conservativebeliefs,#liberalviews,#greenwebsite,#theliberalpartyofcanada #conservativenewscanada,#liberalbeliefs,#whorunsthegreenparty,#whatisndp #edstelmach,#liberalideology,#politicalpartymeaning,#theconservativepartyofcanada #abgov,#liberalelectionpromises,#whoarethegreenparty,#ndpstandsfor #albertaelectiondate,#whoareliberals,#greenpoliticalparty,#ndpleaderontario #albertaelectionparties,#liberalpartypolicies,#americangreenparty,#leaderofndppartycanada #pcleader,#liberalcampaign,#greenpartyviews,#ndpjacklayton #dongetty,#socialdemocraticparty,#greenpartyinformation,#federalliberalparty #pcpartyleader,#liberalelectionplatform,#greenpartyvotes,#ndpnovascotia #pccandidates,#britishconservativeparty,#europeangreenparty,#britishcolumbiaelection #conservativepartycandidates,#liberalandconservative,#greenpartywiki,#ndpmembership #quebecliberalparty,#liberalpartyofcanadajobs,#inthegreen,#whatdoesthendppartystandfor #albertaprovincialelectionresults,#liberalvsdemocratic,#greenpartyleadershipelection,#ndpelectionplatform #conservativepartyofcanadalogo,#whoisliberalleader,#greenpartylocalcandidates,#whyvotendp #progressiveconservativeassociationofalberta,#whatdoestheliberalpartybelievein,#greenpartydefinition,#ndpwebsite #quebecprovincialelection,#theliberalparty,#canthegreenpartywin,#ndpcaucus #canadaelectionwiki,#liberalwebsites,#whoisthegreenpartycandidate,#ndphealthcare #albertamp,#federalliberals,#greenpartyireland,#theconservativeparty #liberalconservative,#laborparty,#greenspolicies,#ndpelection #toryleadershiprace,#democraticpartylogo,#greenpartystickers,#formerndpleader #rightwingdefinition,#federalliberalleader,#ukgreenparty,#ndpsign #whatistheconservativeparty,#areliberalsdemocrats,#greenpartytshirts,#liberalpartycandidates #conservativepartyofmanitoba,#liberalpartyjobs,#greenpartyissues,#darrelldexter #theconservativepartyofcanada,#liberalpartyofcanadaslogan,#politicalpartyexamples,#ndpmps #calgarycurrie,#youngliberalsofcanada,#liberalpartyus,#ontarionewdemocraticparty #liberalleaderscanada,#liberalpartyofcanadacontact,#greenpartydonations,#ndphistory #albertaliberals,#liberalpartytwitter,#greenpartyleaderusa,#newdemocrats #conservativepartymembership,#whatistheliberalpartyplatform,#greenpartyfederalelection,#singaporenationalday #canadaelectionjobs,#whoaretheliberalparty,#whatsthegreenparty,#ndpgovernment #albertaprovincialelectionpolls,#liberaldemocraticparty,#greenhouseparty,#ndpcampaign #albertaelectiondebate,#liberalpartyhistory,#partyof,#britishcolumbianewdemocraticparty #albertaclimatechange,#nationaldemocraticparty,#greenpartypolitics,#ndpvsconservative #rightwingconservative,#democraticpartybeliefs,#jointhegreenparty,#ndpelectionresults #conservativeleadershipelection,#liberalrepublican,#partycandidates,#ndporliberal #nextalbertaelection,#liberalpartyusa,#greenselection,#ndpview #edmontonwhitemud,#liberalpartyuk,#greenpartystances,#newdemocraticpartyplatform #therightwing,#liberalnewspaper,#headofthegreenparty,#newdemocracy #conservativepartyofcanadamembership,#liberalquotes,#independentpoliticalparty,#ndpvalues #strathconaalberta,#liberalpartyofcanadamembership,#greenpartyoffice,#ndpad #progressiveconservativepartyofmanitoba,#whoistheliberalcandidate,#greenpartymotto,#bcndpleader #britishcolumbiaelection,#liberalpartyvolunteer,#greenpartyagenda,#peterstoffer #conservativempscanada,#whatdoesliberalpartystandfor,#greenpartycontact,#liberalpartypolicies #albertaelectionridings,#liberalpartysymbol,#greenpartyhealthcare,#democraticpartycanada #rightwingnews,#liberalad,#greenpartymanifesto,#whatdoesthendpstandfor #conservativewoman,#newliberalism,#whatthegreenpartystandsfor,#ndppartylogo #conservativepolicies,#liberalhumanism,#연두색,#canadaelectionndp #theconservativeparty,#liberalpartydefinition,#greenpartypoliticalplatform,#theliberalparty #conservativegovernment,#liberalgovernmentplatform,#greenpartyviewsonmilitary,#ndpdefinition #novascotialiberalparty,#australianparties,#greenpartyideas,#ndpideology #albertapoliticsnews,#liberalpartycolour,#greensplatform,#ndpwiki #liberalgovernmentcanada,#liberalleadershipconvention,#greenpartymilitary,#newdemocraticpartyofcanadaleader #conservativepartyofalberta,#liberalconservativeparty,#greencampaign,#ndppoliticalspectrum #calgarynosehill,#liberaltheory,#greenpartyquotes,#ndpprovincialleader #ontarioconservatives,#liberalpartysign,#greenselectionresults,#ndpsymbol #calderedmonton,#liberaldemocraticpartyuk,#greenpartysupporters,#thendp #newfoundlandprovincialelection,#liberalideas,#greenpartyviewsonenvironment,#ndpleaderbc #albertapremierelection,#saskatchewanliberalparty,#greenpartymerchandise,#ndpposter #pcleadershiprace,#conservativepartyhistory,#greenpartyflag,#ndpoffice #conservativepolitics,#americanliberalism,#conservativepoliticalparty,#ndpgoals #conservativevalues,#nsliberalparty,#greenpartyofenglandandwales,#provincialndp #tedmorton,#conservativepartynews,#greenpartydebate,#bcndpcaucus #pcconservative,#liberalpartywebsite,#politicalpartyviews,#ndpfullform #albertaleader,#liberalpartynews,#whyvotegreen,#ndppoliticalplatform #pcpartyalberta,#liberalpartyideology,#greenpartyfacebook,#andreahorwathndp #calgaryeast,#nationalpartyofaustralia,#greenpartyevents,#ndpmp #pcleadership,#democraticpartysymbol,#thepoliticalparty,#newdemocraticpartyofmanitoba #albertaconservativeleader,#liberaldemocratsleader,#informationaboutpoliticalparties,#ndpmla #conservativepartyleadercandidates,#yukonliberalparty,#greenpartystore,#ndpvancouver #liberalandconservative,#progressiveliberal,#greenpartycandidate2016,#ndpvsliberalvsconservative #libertarianright,#youngliberals,#greenparty2016,#newdemocraticpartylogo #davehancock,#liberalversusconservative,#greenpartypresidentialcandidate,#ndpcommunist #conservativeelection,#liberalpartyclimatechange,#greenpartyconvention,#ndpfederalelection #jimdinning,#whenwastheliberalpartyformed,#steingreenparty,#ndpconvention #liberalnewscanada,#joinliberalpartyofcanada,#jillsteingreenparty,#thenewdemocraticparty #conservativepartyofcanadaslogan,#liberalpartyevents,#greenpartypresidentialcandidate2016,#federalndpparty #albertapoliticalpolls,#whatistheliberalpartyofcanada,#greenpartynominee,#ndppartybeliefs #electioninalberta,#whatisaliberalgovernment,#jillsteinofficialwebsite,#headofndp #albertageneralelection,#liberalpartyofcanadaevents,#thegreenpartycandidates,#ndpresults #calgaryelbow,#liberalpartydonations,#greenpartytop,#saskatchewannewdemocraticparty #canadaelectionndp,#joinliberalparty,#jillsteinwebsite,#whoistheleaderofthenewdemocraticparty #electionmapalberta,#liberalaustralia,#greenpartyyardsign,#ndppartyofontario #albertaelectionseats,#libparty,#greenpartyendorsements,#ndpheadquarters #canadaelectionalberta,#lnpaustralia,#jillgreenparty,#ndpgovernmentcanada #pcalberta,#trudeauliberalparty,#greenpartyconference,#whatdoesndpbelievein #conservativenewspapers,#liberalpartyphilippines,#greenpartyconvention2016,#whatdoesthendppartybelievein #liberalwebsites,#liberalstates,#greenpartyprimary,#newdemocraticpartybeliefs #pcleadershipcandidates,#liberalpoliticalplatform,#greenpartypresident,#liberalpartywebsite #conservativedemocrat,#liberalfederal,#greenpartynationalconvention,#bcndpparty #britishcolumbialiberalparty,#liberalmembers,#greencandidate2016,#ndpfederalleaders #northhillcalgary,#liberalsanddemocrats,#greenpartystates,#ndpplatform2015 #2012albertaelection,#liberalgovernmentdefinition,#greenpartybuttons,#ndppartyofcanadaplatform #electionscanadahiring,#liberais,#greenpartyvotes2016,#whatdoesndpmean #canadaelectionstream,#liberalpartyposter,#greenpartycalifornia,#newdemocraticpartyofcanadaplatform #progressiveconservativepartyofalberta,#liberalpartyofcanadaontario,#greenpresidentialcandidate,#ndpwikipedia #progressiveconservativeplatform,#liberalpartyplan,#thegreenpartycandidates2016,#nationaldemocraticpartycanada #leftorrightwing,#liberalpartyvalues,#whatsgreenparty,#whoistheleaderofthendpparty #ontarioconservativeleader,#howtojointheliberalpartyofcanada,#thegreenparty2016,#whoistheleaderofthendppartyincanada #nextprovincialelectionalberta,#liberalpartyheadquarters,#greenpartybadge,#ndpfacts #conservativenewspaperscanada,#liberalpartyeducation,#davidcobbgreenparty,#ndppartyslogan #progressiveconservativepartyofsaskatchewan,#provincialliberalparty,#greenpartysupplies,#ndppriorities #progressiveconservativealberta,#liberalpartycampaign,#thegreenspartypolicies,#whoisrunningforndp #pcscalgary,#liberalpartyad,#greenpartybanner,#thendpparty #conservativequotes,#liberalpartyamerica,#greenpartyofficialwebsite,#ndpleadershipelection #pccaucus,#britishliberalparty,#mygreenparty,#ndpsupport #albertaconservativepartyleader,#liberalpartyelection,#greenpartyelectedofficials,#ndpinbc #centristpolitics,#australianconservativeparty,#greenpartyballot,#voteforndp #townhallconservative,#liberalpartyviews,#партия,#thenewdemocraticpartyofcanada #rightwingideology,#democraticpartyhistory,#thegreensleader,#democraticpartyofcanada #calgarypolitics,#liberalpartypresident,#sustainableparty,#ndpissues #socialistrepublic,#liberalpartygoals,#greenpartymembershipnumbers,#canadasndp #conservativecandidatecanada,#federalliberalpartyleaders,#greenparty2016election,#electionndp #conservativepartyofcanadajobs,#headofliberalparty,#greenpartynominee2016,#ndppoliticalparty #edmontongoldbar,#australiandemocrats,#greenpartyregistration,#newdemocratleader #albertapoliticsblog,#theliberalpartyplatform,#who'srunningforthegreenparty,#newndpleader #ontarioprogressiveconservative,#liberalpartyplatform2015,#gogreenparty,#ndpviewsonhealthcare #lastontarioelection,#liberalpartyseats,#greenpartyengland,#notredameprepschool #britishcolumbiaprovincialelection,#liberalfederalelection,#thegreenpartyjillstein,#leaderofthenewdemocraticparty #conservativegovernmentcanada,#isaliberalademocrat,#environmentalparty,#ndppolicybook #albertapremiercandidates,#liberalpartyus,#thegreenpartypolicies,#ndpmembershipcard #ndpalbertaelection,#liberalpartymeaning,#greenpartykids,#newdemocratscanada #lastprovincialelectionontario,#liberalpartyinternship,#irishgreenparty,#canadanpd #albertaprovincialelectionmap,#liberalpartyofcanadaphonenumber,#greenballot,#whatisthenewdemocraticparty #albertaelectionndp,#liberalpartyfacts,#greenparty2012,#canadiandemocraticparty #electionscanadacalgary,#liberalnationalparty,#greenpartyinfo,#joinndp #canadaelectionresultsalberta,#liberalpoliticalparty,#greenpartytrump,#whatdoesthenewdemocraticpartystandfor #electionnewsalberta,#australianliberalpartypolicies,#greenpartynz,#newdemocratcanada #conservativemanifesto,#liberalpartyhowtovote,#greenpartycandidatejillstein,#ndppartymembers #youngconservatives,#nationalliberal,#thegreenspartyleader,#ndpannouncement #torygreen,#liberalpoliticalviews,#greenpartyshirt,#ndpofficialwebsite #progressiveconservativeleader,#liberalpartyconvention,#greenshowtovotecard,#notredameprep #progressiveconservativepartyleader,#liberalpartycontact,#greenpartymemberswebsite,#ndpprogram #rightwingrepublican,#liberalconservativetest,#greenpartypeople,#ndpsingapore #pcpartycandidates,#liberalpartyfundraiser,#greenpartystandfor,#ndpphilosophy #extremeright,#لیبرال,#greenthemeparty,#currentndpleader #liberalconvention,#liberalpartyagenda,#greenpartynomination,#ndppartyvalues #leftwingconservative,#listofliberalpartyleaders,#canivoteforthegreenparty,#federalndpcaucus #whenisthenextalbertaelection,#liberalpartyelectionplatform,#greenpartylights,#ndppresident #conservativepartycalgary,#liberalpartyvictoria,#howtovotegreens,#ndpleadershipvote #pclab,#liberalpartyrepresentatives,#green2016,#ndprichmond #conservativepartyelection,#liberalteam,#greenpartylocalelections,#stephenharperbio #edmontonpolitics,#liberalpartystandfor,#drjillsteingreenparty,#definendp #conservativepartyideology,#liberalparti,#cangreenpartyvoteinprimaries,#albertanewdemocrats #progressiveconservativecanada,#conservativepoliticalparty,#greenpartyphilosophy,#carolejamesndp #newsalbertaelection,#liberalpartyfacebook,#greenpartycampaignsigns,#leaderofndpontario #lastalbertaelection,#liberalpartyeconomy,#nationalgreenparty,#jointhendp #albertagovernmenthistory,#liberalissues,#2016greenpartyconvention,#whoisthendp #calgaryconservativecandidates,#newliberalpartyleader,#greenpartyphonenumber,#ndplead #federalpcparty,#whatliberalsstandfor,#usapoliticalparty,#ndp2016 #provincialelectionresultsalberta,#liberalsuk,#greenpartyfunding,#ndp2017 #canadaelectionontario,#liberalpartyconstitution,#greenpartyleader2016,#ndpapplicationform #albertapcleader,#liberalpartyissues,#pastgreenpartycandidates,#ndp #conservativethinktanks,#howtojointheliberalparty,#greenpartymascot,#ndplive #rightwingliberal,#liberalpartywhip,#greenpartypresidentialnominee,#ndpconvention2016 #rightwingbeliefs,#saskliberalparty,#jointhegreens,#ndpview2 #whatisaprogressiveconservative,#abouttheliberalparty,#thegreenpoliticalparty,#ndpschedule #nextprovincialelectioncanada,#liberalcandidate2016,#steinparty,#ndpform #nextcalgaryelection,#liberalparty2016candidates,#electedgreenpartyofficials,#ndpnewstoday #provincialconservativeleaders,#liberalpartypolicies2016,#greenpartyaddress,#watchnationaldayparadeonline #saskatchewanconservativeparty,#liberalpartylaunch,#hasthereeverbeenagreenpartypresident,#ndpsummary #manitobaprovincialelectionridings,#lnpparty,#jillsteingreen,#thenewdemocrats #provincialconservativeparty,#howtovoteliberal,#scottishgreenparty,#notredamepreparatoryhighschool #lastprovincialelection,#democraticliberalparty,#greenpartyregisteredvoters,#ndpinthenews #nbprovincialelection,#nationalliberalparty,#candidategreenparty,#nationaldayparade #liberalleaderalberta,#lpparty,#greenpartyvp,#notredamepreparatoryschool #theleadersdebate,#liberalpartybranches,#بارتي,#ndptime #albertaelectioncalgary,#theliberalpartyofaustralia,#greenpartyemblem,#ndpplatform2016 #calgaryprovincialelection,#liberalparty2016,#greenpartyballotaccess,#ndpleadershipcandidates #electioncanadamontreal,#liberaldemocratsaustralia,#greenpartyenergy,#ndplocation #conservativemagazines,#liberalpartyplatform2016,#presidentialelectiongreenparty,#newdemocraticcaucus 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#albertaprovincialelection2015,#liberalelection2016,#maoriparty,#ndpballot #liberalpartyofcanadaalberta,#malcolmturnbullliberalparty,#greenpartypoliticalviews,#notredamepreparatory #conservativepartyalbertaplatform,#liberalpartyelectionpromises,#2016presidentialelectiongreenparty,#ndpcurrentleader #cbcelectionmanitoba,#liberalpartyofnewyork,#greenpartymembersincongress,#ndptoday #conservativepartyofcanadaconstitution,#liberalpartyinformation,#greenpartyparty,#ndpcandidates2016 #conservativepartyleaderontario,#liberalsandnationals,#greenpresidentialcandidate2016,#newdemocraticpartybc #electionjobsedmonton,#λιβεραλ,#thegreenscandidates,#ndpleadershipcandidates2016 #conservativepartyofcanadafacebook,#liberalparty2016election,#electionpollsgreenparty,#bcnewdemocraticparty #albertapoliticalhistory,#stateliberalparty,#brexitgreenparty,#federalndpleadershipcandidates #electionissuescanada,#liberalleader2016,#greenpartydonors,#nys207 #albertaelectionresultscalgary,#federalliberalpartycontact,#greenpartyjohnson,#ndpcalendar #canadianelectionalberta,#liberalpartyphilosophy,#greenpartycandidate2004,#ndppolitics #pcleaderalberta,#liberalpartytvads,#whathasthegreenpartyaccomplished,#ndpenergy #conservativeforum,#liberalpartymembershipnumbers,#whosthegreenpartycandidate,#ndpcandidates2017 #g8g20,#liberalpartyelectionpolicies,#registerforgreenparty,#nationalndp #progressivealberta,#liberalpartybudget,#greenpartycaucus,#ndpagency #progressiveconservativepartyplatform,#liberalpartymembershipfee,#1996greenpartycandidate,#ndpschool #pcnomination,#nswliberalparty,#leaderofgreenparty2016,#notredameprepmaryland #ontarioconservativepartyleader,#australianelectionliberalparty,#greenpartyviewsonclimatechange,#ndpleadershipcontenders #conservativesinalberta,#liberalpartysupporters,#greenpartyemail,#nondp #leaderofthefederalconservativeparty,#liberalpartypolicyplatform,#greenpartyscotland,#latestnewsonndp 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#2015provincialelection,#liberalpartywa,#drsteingreenparty,#fullformofndp #conservativepartyleaderofcanada,#australianliberalpartyhistory,#candidatesofthegreenparty,#ndpreps #iscanadaconservative,#liberalgovt,#thegreencandidate,#notredameprep #conservativepartysaskatchewan,#theliberalnationalparty,#presidentialcandidateforgreenparty,#tortoiseenergyindependencefundinc #albertamajoritygovernment,#liberalaustraliapolicies,#مهمونی,#newdemocraticpartysvg #calgaryprovincialelectionridings,#liberalpartyfederalmembers,#greenpartygovernment,#notredameprephighschoolmichigan #premierelectionalberta,#liberalpartyleader2016,#greenpresident,#notredameprepmd #reddeerconservativeparty,#theliberaldemocratparty,#greenpartylist,#newdemocraticpartymanitoba #albertaliberalseats,#2016liberalparty,#greenpartymovement,#ndphome #electionridingsalberta,#liberalpartyprimeministers,#greenmsp,#notredameprepschoolmichigan #albertacanadaelection,#liberalpartydonors,#listofgreenpartycandidates,#federalndppolicies #liberalplatformalberta,#federalelectionliberalpolicies,#greenpartyvotecount,#notredamepreparatoryscottsdale #albertapcleadershipcandidates,#liberalnationalpartyaustralia,#greenpartyclothing,#whattimedoesndpstart #progressivec,#liberalpartyimmigrationpolicy,#greensuk,#ndphighschool #albertapcleadershiprace,#liberalpartyconference,#jillsteinofthegreenparty,#ndp2016results #albertabyelection,#liberalnationals,#thegreenpartyuk,#notredameprepbasketballschedule #albertaconservativeleadershiprace,#federalnationalparty,#jillsteingreenpartycandidate,#ndpleadershipnews #vastrightwingconspiracy,#liberalpartymainpolicies,#greenpartyelectoralvotes,#newdemocraticpartydefinition #progressiveconservativeideology,#australianliberalpartymembers,#greenpartyhouseofrepresentatives,#ndpcanadajobs #albertapcpartynews,#countryliberalparty,#greenpartypresidentialprimaries,#notredameprepphoenix #countryliberalparty,#britishliberalism,#парта,#notredamepreparatoryschoolscottsdale #progressiveconservativeleadership,#liberalpartycampaign2016,#greenpartymembershipcard,#notredameprepmassachusetts #albertapoliticstoday,#liberaldemocraticpartyaustralia,#democraticpartyslogan,#whatisanewdemocrat #pcleadershipcandidatesalberta,#scottishliberaldemocrats,#canyouvoteforthegreenparty,#aandp #conservativepunk,#liberalpartyelectioncommitments,#igreen,#ndpticketsresults #albertapccandidates,#liberalpartyheadoffice,#greenpartypollingresults,#notredameprepacademy #conservativeleadershipracealberta,#liberalorganizations,#greenus,#2015ndp #lastdebatequestion,#theliberaldemocrats,#actparty,#caroljamesndp #pcpartycalgary,#liberalpartynames,#pacificgreenparty,#ndpshow #pcpartyinalberta,#liberalpartyministers,#federalelectiongreens,#ndpnationalconvention #albertatories,#federalliberalcaucus,#whatdothegreensstandfor,#ndppoliticalviews #albertaleadershiprace,#liberalpartymissionstatement,#headofthegreens,#ndpfinancialplan #centristrepublican,#newliberalgovernment,#politicalpartysigns,#notredamepreparatoryschoolscottsdaleaz #conservativecalgary,#englishliberalparty,#usgreen,#provinceswithndpgovernments #2016albertaelection,#liberalpartyfunding,#greenpartyplanks,#newdemocraticpartyjobs #leftwingrepublican,#liberalpartyleadershipelection,#greenpartyvoterguide,#ndpadcampaign #albertapc's,#democraticpartyslogan,#registerasgreenparty,#platformforndp #albertaconservativepartyleadershiprace,#currentleaderoftheliberalparty,#greenpartygeneralelection,#albertanewdemocraticpartyleader #conservativeassociation,#liberalelectionads,#politicalpartywebsites,#newdemocraticpartyofcanadacandidates #pcleadershipconvention,#australianelectionliberal,#greenpartycandidatesfederalelection,#ndpcanadaelectionresults #albertapcleadershipracepolls,#what'stheliberalparty,#partyofthe,#ndpfederalpartypolicies #pcalbertanews,#liberalpartymotto,#definegreenparty,#whatwouldanndpgovernmentmeanforcanada #pcpartyofalberta,#liberaldemocraticpartypolicies,#ofthegreen,#election2015ndp #jasonkenneyalbertapc,#liberalpartyelectioncampaign,#nadergreenparty,#canadandpelection #abpcparty,#liberalhq,#greensgovernment,# #iscanadaliberalorconservative,#liberalpartysa,#thegreennews,#NDP #progressivesandconservatives,#liberalcolumnists,#britishgreenparty,#canadafederalelectionpolls #pcalbertaconvention,#liberalpartyshirt,#partyandparty,#canadapolls #albertapcpartyplatform,#democraticpartyissues,#greenpartyhomeopathy,#canadianelectionpolls #pcaaalberta,#currentleaderofliberalparty,#greenpartycandidate2000,#canadianfederalelection #cbcsaskatchewanelection,#liberalpartylatestnews,#nzpoliticalparties,#election #facebookconservativepartyofcanada,#democratsandliberals,#greenjill,#elizabethmay #byelectionalberta,#liberalelectioncommitments,#greenpeaceparty,#federalelectionresultscanada #pcalbertamembership,#australianliberalleaders,#whoisthegreenpartycandidateforpresident,#greenpartyofcanada #albertaprovincialelection2016,#democraticpoliticalparty,#howtovotegreenparty,#liberal #conservativeleaderontario,#liberalpartyfeedback,#democraticpartycolors,#liberalpartyofcanada #liberalpartysaskatchewan,#liberalpartyrightwing,#whoisthegreenpartypresidentialcandidate,#ndpleader #albertapcpartymembership,#mainliberalpolicies,#παρτυήπαρτι,#ndpplatform #canadaliberalgovernment,#liberalstance,#greenusa,#vote #conservativepartyofcanadaconvention,#liberalhealthpolicy,#غرين,#votecanada #albertanextprovincialelection,#newdealliberalism,#greenpartybooks #pcleadershipdebate,#liberalgroups,#barakagreenparty #saskatchewanprovincialelectionridingsmap,#youngliberalparty,#partyo #pcassociation,#voteforliberalleadership,#whatisagreenpartycandidate #stephenkhanalberta,#liberaldemocratnews,#partyorg #pcassociationofalberta,#liberalpoliticalpartybeliefs,#greenpartyresults2016 #manitobaconservativeplatform,#independentliberalparty,#californiapoliticalparties #edmontonelection2017,#liberalpartypreferences,#greenpartyshop #albertapcmembership,#isliberaldemocrat,#greenpartycandidate2016usa #wildroseleadershiprace,#liberalpoliticalwebsites,#wisconsingreenparty #pccandidatescalgary,#liberaldemocratspolicies,#whatisthegreen #albertapcnews,#liberalpartymerchandise,#greenpartyusa2016 #whoisrunningforpcleadershipinalberta,#latestliberalpartynews,#greenpartymeaning #saskatchewanelectionparties,#sitedoliberal,#greenpartywales #edmontonelectionwinners,#liberaldemocratsaus,#greenpartytheme #manitobaconservativeleader,#nswliberals,#greenpartyvsdemocrat #provincialconservativepartyleader,#whatpartyisliberal,#politicalpartynews #albertapccaucus,#liberalplatform2016,#greenpartyfundraising #provincialconservatives,#conservativepartyaustralia,#politicalpartypolicies #pcalbertaplatform,#australiangovernmentliberal,#howtovotecardgreens #electioncanadaontariojobs,#liberalpartyelectionads,#greenpartyticket #albertaprovincialpolitics,#liberaldemocratsmerchandise,#greenpartyvoteresults #progressiveconservativepartyofalbertaleadershiprace,#whichpartyisliberal,#greenpartybrighton #albertapcpartyleader,#liberalpartymajority,#greenpartyuspresidentialcandidate2016 #conservativepartyofalbertaplatform,#liberalpartyfederalelection,#whatarethegreenspolicies #calgaryelection2015,#defineliberalparty,#partytoparty #albertapcplatform,#federalelectionaus,#politicalpartycandidates #election2015alberta,#liberalpartydinner,#greensvotingguide #electioninalbertacanada,#liberaldemocratslogo,#drjillgreenparty #calgarymidnaporeelection,#liberalpartyhealthpolicy,#greenparty2000 #progressiveconservativepartyofalbertaplatform,#liberaldemocratsjobs,#whatdoesgreenpartymean #harperelectionscanada,#howtovotefortheliberalparty,#greenpeacecandidates #calgary2015election,#youtubeliberalparty,#greenpartyadvertisement #albertaliberalridings,#liberalpartycanberra,#illinoisgreenparty #2015electioncalgary,#liberaldemocratspartyleader,#electiongreensresults #albertapcbudget,#aufederalelection,#whatisthegreenpartyinpolitics #election2015calgary,#liberalpartysenators,#greenpartyvoterguidecalifornia #canadandpelection,#liberaldemocratpartymembership,#greenpartyelectionresults2016 #,#actliberalparty,#greenpartyontheissues #UnitedConservativeParty,#turnbullliberalparty,#jillsteinandgreenparty #albertaelection,#latestnewsliberalleadership,#howtojointhegreenparty #albertaelectioncandidates,#coalitionpartyaustralia,#whodothegreensvotesgoto #albertaelectionplatforms,#siteliberal,#ecologyparty #albertaelectionpolls,#labourandliberalparty,#greenpartyusaplatform #albertaparty,#liberaldemocratsqueensland,#coloradogreenparty #albertapartyleader,#liberalpartymembershipcard #albertapartyplatform,#liberalpartyukleader #albertapoliticalparties,#liberalleadersaustralia #albertapolitics,#libdemgovernment #albertapremier,#liberalpartyaus #albertaprovincialelection,#liberalgovernmentaustralia #albertavote,#liberalpartyyoutube #canadianpoliticalnews,#liberalandnationalpartycoalition #conservative,#liberal2016election #conservativeleadershiprace,#liberalpartytshirt #conservativeparty,#liberalhowtovotecard #conservativepartyalberta,#liberaldemocratseu #conservativepartyofcanadaleader,#labourpartyliberal #electionpollsalberta,#whichpoliticalpartyisliberal #ndpalberta,#democraticpartyuk #whowonthealbertaelection,#liberalleadershipvote #,#lnppartyaustralia #ConservativeParty,#liberaldemocratsare #canadianpoliticalparties,#britishliberaldemocraticparty #conservative,#defineliberaldemocrat #conservativeleadership,#liberalgovernmentjobs #conservativepartyalberta,#liberalpartysouthaustralia #conservativepartyleader,#liberalpartywiki #conservativepartyofcanada,#isthedemocraticpartyliberal #conservativepartyplatform,#liberalsites #conservativeplatform,#liberalpartyqueensland #cpac,#liberalpartyproblems #federalelectioncanada,#jobswiththeliberalpartyofcanada #gop,#liberalpartytasmania #liberal,#howtovoteforliberalparty #liberalparty,#liberalpartymps #liberalpartyofcanada,#liberalpartymanifesto #liberalvsconservative,#whoisrunningforliberalpartypresident #ndpcanada,#liberalnew #republican,#partyau #republicanparty,#jobswithliberalpartyofcanada #liberaldemocratsnsw #liberaldemocratslondon # #LiberalParty #blocquebecois #canadaelection #canadavotes #canadianelectionpolls #canadianfederalelection #canadianpoliticalparties #conservative #conservativeparty #conservativepartyofcanada #election #electionscanada #federalelection #federalelectioncanada #federalelectionpolls #greenparty #greenpartyofcanada #liberal #liberaldefinition #liberalpartyofcanada #ndp #ndpplatform #newdemocraticparty #politics #stephenharper #votecanada MLA Shane Getson - Alberta Business and Entrepreneurialism In Alberta it used to be a given that “Fortune Favored the Bold”, and it was that make it happen spirit that the first settlers brought with them to our province, that spirit that took root, and grew our province to a powerhouse within our country. Unfortunately, over time much of that ability to move freely and boldly in business to create wealth and opportunity was diminished due to excessive “red tape”. As a government, we have done much to reduce red tape and we recognize that much more needs to be done. I am happy to work on the Red Tape Reduction Task Force in working to move this forward. Our efforts were recently recognized by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business with a grading of B-, and awarded Minister Hunter with the Golden Scissors Award. Albertans have been sending in their feedback to us through the ministry, with over 4,500 submissions so far. We encourage you to visit where you can submit red tape reduction strategies that you think would be helpful as our mission of 1/3 reduction is far from complete. We want to be that first place that comes to mind in Canada, where fortune favors the bold again, and we fully live up to our provincial motto - “Strong and Free”. MLA Shane Getson UCP Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland introduces the strategy behind Motion 501 for Utility Corridors, vital for Albertan strategic projects. Environment It may come to some as a surprise of how passionate we are in our neck of the woods when it comes to the environment. The environment is not something we discuss when we are in a large urban center at a high-end coffee shop, or show up at a protest somewhere in the concrete jungle to express beliefs once or twice a year. To us, the environment is where we live, work, and play; where we proudly have families with “Centennial Farms” and where pilgrimages take place to a holy lake annually, where others come to “see nature.” It is where we grow our food, and the food of others. We have several projects on the go with local community leaders, with municipalities, alliances, commissions, not for profit organizations, as well as private land owners. We can make some changes that will ensure that we are able to manage emerging issues, as well as to institute some long-range plans to ensure that our farms, forests, tributaries and lakes will be healthy for the next generations for years to come. Lake Isle has the unfortunate title of being the site of the largest growth of the invasive botanical species - Flowering Rush. This year we will be bringing together the Alexis First Nations community, Lac Ste. Anne County, the LILSA not for profit organization, and Alberta Environment to take decisive action to remove the invasive species, and prevent further spread. For those who don’t know, Flowering Rush is an invasive exotic plant. It pushed out our native plant life and threatens our wetland ecosystems. This is something that the Ministry of Environment and Parks has been working on for a couple of years now. I was able to assist in facilitating dialog with all interested parties along the lake to ensure that this year we can move forward together to treat the areas that have been affected. Second, we are working with local leadership and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to discontinue the practice of dumping effluent into Lac Ste. Anne Lake by summer villages. This has caused an issue with blue algae, and is making the lake unusable for recreation, in addition to the damage on the lake’s ecosystem. Progress on this issue is ongoing, as many of the summer villages were grandfathered into the new guidelines that discontinued this practice some years ago. The county of lac Ste Anne, with the support of Alberta Environment, and Municipal affairs, will be making the necessary changes to the bylaws in the area to ensure we make the relevant changes to ensure we mitigate the effluent discharge into our sacred lake. Lastly, the Sturgeon River Watershed has diminished in quality in the past many years in regards to flow, deleterious materials blocking drainage, and overall access and water usage. We are working to create a commission/action group that will be empowered to execute a practical plan in the watershed. They will be working from the great recommendations that have come forward from the Sturgeon Watershed Alliance, as well as previous work performed by the Alberta Government. We will be meeting with the Ministry of Environment and Parks in the very near future to review the plan, and to receive their approval for our course of action. We will be looking for local participation, especially from the land owners along the sturgeon river, as they are the true stewards of the land, and have been for generations. Seniors and Housing Our seniors are a cherished part of our community, as they are the ones whom we owe so much to in regards to our past successes, and our present. They are the glue that holds our families and many of our communities together. Unfortunately, many of them are in a position where they are unable to find affordable accommodations with the limited incomes that many of them have in our current environment. Our government is committed to finding solutions to providing quality and affordable places for our seniors to live. I was honored to be asked to serve on the Affordable Housing Task Force as Vice Chair, and to lead the Mixed-Income Sub Committee. The task force and committee operate under the ministry of Seniors and Housing. Of the many things this committee is working towards, affordable and sustainable housing for seniors is at the top of the list. We have several initiatives underway to explore all of the options at our disposal that would ensure we meet todays needs, build for tomorrow, and ensure the models are sustainable for years to come for our seniors. We want to be sure that housing for them is available in urban areas, as well as the rural locations that they helped build. Skilled Trades Some of you know that my background was in the planning and execution of major industrial projects in Canada as well as in the USA. Although my formal education was as a Civil Engineering Technologist, I have had the great fortune to work with those in the skilled trades. I am excited by the government’s focus on encouraging people to consider skilled trades. This is not only an effort for those looking for work presently, but also to high school students who are trying to decide what direction to take. Great livelihoods and lifestyles are made possible through the skilled trades, and many a business owner and CEO can accredit their success to being part of that skilled trades fraternity. I am pleased to work as the vice-chair of the Skilled Trades Caucus for the governing party, and also to serve on the Skills for Jobs Task Force (a combination of business leaders, post-secondary leaders, and MLAs). These groups will serve as the action arm of the government’s plan to promote the skilled trades. We want to ensure that the workforce is ready to build the economy of tomorrow, and to ensure that we have the people with the skills and the education to take on that bright future. Transportation Utility Corridors = Improved Trade Deals & Access to Market We have a diverse economy in Alberta, and we are only going to be able to improve upon it with the strategic planning of transportation and utility Corridors. They become the default route for mainline transportation, which allows for lateral connections as additional infrastructure can garner access to the main route. By planning out the interconnection points between provinces and territories in advance of industry and project applications, it will allow for a higher level of project certainty and shorter approval timelines. We will be working in a planned cooperative manner to assist in the development of resources, value added industries, and obtaining access to markets both domestic and foreign. We can ensure that the product types of gases, liquids, or solids (both finished and raw) are moved in the most efficient manner at the time, with the flexibility and reliability that is required to be globally competitive. Access to market, and opening up new regions for value added production viability, is greatly enhanced with trade and transport corridors. I will be presenting a motion in the coming weeks to the Assembly regarding planning out TUCs and reaching international markets in more creative ways. We need the flexibility to get our products to market and the ability to trade with the world. Being blocked in over the last several years has taught us some valuable lessons, and we must take the initiative to de-risk investment, and guarantee project certainty in Alberta, as well as our friendly provinces and territories. The motion, and me speaking to it, will be posted in the near future as it moves through the assembly.

MLA Shane Getson (UCP)

Shane Getson was elected as Member of the Legislative Assembly for Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland on April 16, 2019.

UCP United Conservative Party


I currently serve as Deputy Chair on the Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and as a Member of the Standing Committees on Resource Stewardship.

Check often my Engagement page to discover my Focus Projects for 2021, among which I want to introduce you to the importance of Utility Corridors. I have the firm belief that the usage of these corridors will contribute immensely to Alberta's future so, for more details please contact me at your convenience.