by Shane Getson | Jul 23, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
digital art Powered by DALL·E 3 It’s a strange title, but hear me out on this one. I believe we have reached a state where common sense is in such a state of decline and that far too many people have become dependent on their devices and apps to make it through...
by Shane Getson | Jul 18, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
digital art Powered by DALL·E 3 The first time I heard this, I believe, was back in 2010 when a retired USA Air Force Colonel discussed how the military regarded Alberta regarding energy security. I’ve taken that concept and expanded upon it as a way to present the...
by Shane Getson | May 30, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
digital art Powered by DALL·E 3 This may seem like a strange title, but please consider it for a moment. What would you be willing to give up to move forward? It is a tough lesson to learn, and at some point, a person may reach a level where they have all they want,...
by Shane Getson | May 19, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
I’m in a time crunch today. I missed my deadline last week to get an article in, and it will be by the skin of my teeth if I can make it in this week. The best-made plans of Mice and Men apparently are alive and well. This week’s topic has been in the back of my...
by Shane Getson | May 3, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
Have you ever had that feeling that someone was pulling your leg? Did you realize it immediately, or did they give you a sign that something wasn’t right and let you in on the joke? When it is a friend, family member or co-worker, the vast majority of the time,...
by Shane Getson | Apr 18, 2024 | UCP - United Conservative Party, What Matters To You!
I know the topic headline is a little strange, well stranger than usual, but a few things that became clear over the last while have helped me in conversations and put things in perspective. Thank you, God, for trolls! But… Trolls are not the most favourable...